Edgefield Veterinary Hospital, LLC |
1 Gigante DriveHampstead, NH
What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that is used to aid in the management of various acute and chronic medical conditions. Acupuncture uses the insertion of needles into specific locations on the body to produce a response that can stimulate nerves, increase blood circulation, relieve muscle spasms, and cause the release of hormones, such as endorphins (one of the body's pain control chemicals) and cortisol (a natural steroid).
What conditions can Acupuncture treat? Acupuncture can effectively be used alone or in conjunction with conventional veterinary medicine to help with a number of conditions including: Musculoskeletal problems, including arthritis Respiratory problems, including feline asthma Skin Problems Gastrointestinal problems Neurological problems Nausea
What is Manual Medicine (chiropractic)? Manual medicine requires a throughout joint assessment to identify joints that fail to move in a normal range of motion. Manual manipulation of the joints is applied to aid in returning the joints to a more normal range of motion to help restore function and mobility in your pet. What conditions can Manual Medicine (chiropractic) treat? Manual medicine can effectively be used alone or in conjunction with conventional veterinary medicine to help with a number of conditions including: Neck problems Shoulder problems Spinal problems Lameness Dr. Barnes has been providing the alternative treatment of acupuncture since 1999 and manual medicine since 2000. Dr. Raidoo has been providing manual medicine treatments since 2019. Please call 603-329-6553 to schedule your consultation. |